Wesselman Woods Nature Preserve
Wesselman Woods Nature Preserve is an urban forest in Evansville, IN. It has large exhibits of towering sycamore trees and a lake that is home to many kinds of wildlife.
The Wesselman family once owned most of the land in this area but they sold off pieces for homes and developments. When that started happening, people got together and decided to preserve some of it as a park where both animals and humans could live together peacefully. They wanted to provide nature experiences for the public while still keeping some areas private so animals were not disturbed by too much human contact. The non-profit organization was named after Arthur Wesselman who helped get the whole thing going but died before it became reality. His wife Dorothy continued his work until she also passed away at 101 years of age.
The forest is about 150 acres big and almost all of it is being used to provide the public with a relaxing spot in nature. Trails are mapped out for people so they can enjoy walking or bicycling through the preserve. There are also quiet spots where you can sit on benches and admire nature without any noise around you at all. It's here that most animals come out to play, especially when the sun starts going down for the night. A few foot trails wander off into more secluded areas but these trails remain closed to visitors most of the time to give wildlife a chance to live undisturbed by humans.
Business Information:
Lappe Heating & Air
621 N 9th Ave. Evansville, IN 47712